CONFESSION: Yes. I'm a Believer.

After the debut of my last video, it was pointed out that my recent writing and “essay video” styles had misrepresented the … well, let’s call it the authenticity and intimacy of the message in “The Inconvenience of Life.” And since I’m always one to listen very, very closely to feedback and criticism so that I can act swiftly and accordingly to satisfy my (limited) viewing audience … this video is the inevitable course correction.

In the past, I’ve said a lot of things about religion, believers, Christianity, and God.

I presented myself as a staunch, unflinching atheist.

I pissed off a lot of people, family included.

Today … it’s time to set the record straight.

Jordan Krumbine

Writer, designer, & multi-hyphenate creative madman.

Bernie and the Beast: a Florida Girls short story [FULL AUDIO DRAMA 🔉]


The Inconvenience of Life