“Suicide Spino” (#BetterWithDinosaurs #14, September 2021)

Not exactly my favorite piece – but to be fair, I was experimenting with new techniques. I have quite an affinity for charcoal brushes in Procreate and have a well-established method for that style. With “Suicide Spino” I wanted to switch to an oil paintbrush and (hopefully) crank the piece out faster. While this one took about 2 weeks, end-to-end, the new brush technique left a lot of visible trial-and-error on the canvas.

That being said, I absolutely love how King Shark turned out (did he actually lose a few pounds?!). Also, I think Polka Dot Man looks brilliant. But the whole team together? Meh. But then again, maybe that’s just a reflection of how I felt about the movie.

Either way – I’m glad this piece is behind me. Onward and rawr-ward!

Check out my #BetterWithDinosaurs gallery on the home page.


Jordan Krumbine

Writer, designer, & multi-hyphenate creative madman.


It’s time for a reboot.


Horrible People Doing Horrible Things for Horrible Reasons (or: how that pain in my neck had absolutely nothing to do with The Suicide Squad – but I can’t say the same for the pain in my soul)