The Importance of Being Bored

We've all been there. You're sitting at your desk, staring at a blank screen or a blank sheet of paper, and you can't seem to muster even an ounce of creativity. Your mind is as blank as your screen, and you feel like you'll never be able to come up with anything good ever again.

Sometimes, the most essential part of the creative process is simply making space for it to happen -- even if that means taking a break from productivity, chilling out, and just doing ... nothing. When your mind is allowed to wander, it's free to make connections that it otherwise wouldn't have access to. Here's why being bored is an essential part of the creative process.

1. Boredom Gives Your Brain a Rest

You might not realize it, but your brain is constantly working, even when just scrolling through social media or watching TV. When constantly stimulated, your brain never has a chance to relax and rejuvenate. But when you're bored, your brain gets a chance to recharge. This is essential for maintaining your mental health and preventing burnout.

2. Boredom Breeds Creativity

When your brain is relaxed and rested, it's in the perfect state to be creative. Have you ever noticed how some of your best ideas come to you when you're in the shower or driving? That's because your mind is free to wander and explore new possibilities when it's not focused on a specific task. So next time you're feeling creatively blocked, try taking a break and see what new ideas come to mind.

3. Boredom Helps You Prioritize Your Time

Life has a way of getting in the way, never more so than when we stand back and let it happen. And with so many things demanding every second of our attention, it can be easy to get caught up in busy work and push aside the creative things that are truly important to us.

But when we're bored, we're more likely to focus on the things that matter. For example, if you're bored at work, you might start thinking about that novel you've always wanted to write or that painting you've been meaning to finish. By prioritizing boredom, we can ensure we're spending our time on the things that matter most.

So next time you find yourself feeling bored, don't reach for your phone or turn on the TV! Give your brain a break and see what new ideas come bubbling up from your creative depths. Who knows -- you might just find yourself with some much-needed inspiration!

Jordan Krumbine

Writer, designer, & multi-hyphenate creative madman.

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